MalCon Schedule – I’ll be Busy!

I’ll be at MalCon with a host of other really cool authors, and I’ll have a booth where you can come check out the new Story of the Month Anthology and my other books. I am have quite a few panels on Saturday, and one on Sunday.  If you want to find me at the convention, here’s where I’ll be!



9:00 – 9:50 pm So Charming, Not Creepy – Red Keep
Learn how to make your convention experience better by discussing how to approach people and be friendly (or even strike up a romance) without being that creep. A lesson on etiquette, common sense and enjoying fandom with respect


9:00 – 9:50 am  Spin-Off Dumbledore’s   Serenity
What’s next for J.K. Rowling, and is there room in serialized media (TV / Netflix) for one or more series set in Rowling’s world? What would such programming look like and what would fans want to see? Could we discover Harry or Hermione or Ron as professors? Where does the world go after the end of Voldemort?

2:00 – 2:50 pm   Sympathetic Villains: The New Master & Doctor Horrible  Red Keep  The old Master was patently evil. A nasty curmudgeon with nefarious designs. The new Masters (John Simm and Michelle Gomez) were made into sympathetic villains of galactic proportions. How does this change Who and how do sympathetic villains change our take on fiction?

7:00 – 7:50 pm NaNoWriMo  Helm’s Deep
Have you done it? Do you want to? Are you a writer and you still don’t know what this is? Our panelists will discuss the culture of NanoWriMo, how to participate, why do do so, and how to succeed.

8:00 – 8:50 pm  Marketing for Beginners  Red Keep  Writing isn’t the only skill a writer needs in this day and age. We need to understand business and  presentation and sales. We’re called upon to be artists and designers. But once we’ve created that book and we’re ready to sell it, how do we get the word out?

9:00 – 9:50 pm  Steampunk in Fiction: Is London Dead?    Serenity  There is plenty of steampunk taking place in London. Indeed, the mass market, when it has delved into a sub-genre they still don’t seem to quite understand, they’ve stuck with the tried-and-true “All of the Victorian Era Was In London” approach. But the sun didn’t set on the British Empire during Victoria’s time, and there are growing examples of steampunk in other countries. Have we worn out foggy London as a place where gears and corsets reign?


9:00 – 9:50 am   When They Tell You You’re Too Old or Too Young Red Keep
We’ll discuss two sides of the same coin: in today’s market there is YA literature that many consider to have topics beyond a YA audience (Hunger Games, Twilight) while there are other who consider adults who read YA to be reading fiction well below what they should be reading. What’s the judgement and why should we or shouldn’t we care?



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